The Iowa Secretary of State currently provides a public UCC Certified/Federal Liens Search for anyone to use. Fast Track Filing also has a section of their website dedicated to UCC Search (click here to see where the Search is located on Fast Track).
It is important to understand the logic behind the Search so that you can maximize your results. Below is a guide to UCC Search Logic, pursuant to the Iowa Secretary of State Administrative Code.
Search Options
When performing a UCC Certified/Federal Liens Search (either on the SOS website or on Fast Track, there are several categories that are available for you to search under:
- Search Type: You can choose to search by either UCC or Federal.
- Search By: You can choose to search by Person, Business or Filing Number.
- Lien Status: You can choose to include liens that have lapsed within the past year.
- First Personal Name: The first name of the individual.
- Additional Name or Initials: The middle name of the individual.
- Individual’s Surname: The last name of the individual.
- Business Name: The business name that the lien is under.
- City: The city in which the business or individual resides.
- Filing Number: The number that is associated with the lien.
Search Logic Rules
- There is no limit to the number of matches you will receive in your search. If it fits the criteria of your search, it will be shown. That is why you should be as specific and accurate as possible when conducting your search.
- No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase letters in the system.
- Punctuation marks and accents are disregarded by the system.
- Suffixes at the end of a name that indicate the existence of an organization (e.g. LLC, limited, incorporated, company) are disregarded by the system.
- If you type in “the” at the beginning of any search box, it will be disregarded by the system.
- All spaces are disregarded by the system.
- If you choose to include a middle initial of an individual in your search, note that the search results will only include names with that specific middle initial (e.g. if you type in “John A. Smith”, you will only receive results for “John A. Smith”. If you type in “John Smith” without the middle initial, you may receive results for “John Smith”, “John B. Smith” or “John C. Smith”.)