How do I know if my preferred entity name is distinguishable from others?

In accordance with Iowa Administrative Code Section 721-40.3, it is required that every LLC or corporation registered in the state has a unique business name, or is “distinguishable” from others. If you are interested in forming an LLC or corporation in Iowa, one of the first things you should do is double-check to see if the name you want is available.

Is a name reservation required?

No. An approved Reservation of Name holds the entity name for 120 days, allowing time for formation paperwork and other business matters to be completed. If you feel your name is at risk of being selected by another entity, you may reserve the name on Fast Track before filing any formation documents. Otherwise, when you successfully register a business entity through Fast Track, the name is automatically protected with that registration.

How do I reset my password?

If you would like to reset your password for Fast Track Filing, visit the password reset link that can be found here. You will be prompted to enter your email and answer a security question. You will receive an email from Fast Track Filing with instructions on how to reset your password. If you do not see a message in your inbox, please check your spam folder. It may be a good idea to “whitelist” Fast Track’s email address so that future correspondence gets to you at the speed of business.